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停车场 门禁 梯控 考勤 消费……英文一卡通

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停车场 门禁 梯控 考勤 消费……英文一卡通

停车场 门禁 梯控 考勤 消费……英文一卡通

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发布时间:2018-12-25 10:15:27

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Smart card system refers to the computer as the core management, fusion of multiple intelligent system for a software management platform, using contactless smart card as the carrier, can be used in smart card all subsystem hardware device with a smart card, to the network as a link connecting all hardware devices, so that the use of all card equipment were under monitoring management center, to record and produce all kinds of report summary the need of management through the computer management software. That is to say the card system can satisfy the management unit or property companies to the region, the stream of people, logistics and effective traffic management requirements, and can meet the operator is simple and quick, efficient operation, but also the maximum convenience of users or owners, to allow owners in the modernization of life of high quality. The IC card management system is composed of computer, system management software, intelligent read-write equipment and electromechanical integration product composition.


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